Saturday, November 6, 2010

Northwest R2 Builders Day

Took some time off building to go to the Northwest R2 Builders day.  What a great time!!  We had a total of 6 R2's in various states of completion.  Left to right are Todd with his wood framed R2, beautiful polished dome and mostly finished legs.  Net is me then Chris with his finished ESB R2 that is beautifully weathered.  Chris has the JEDI control system and senna style drive frames and his R2 worked great.  Next is Carol who has only been building for a few months??!!  Great progress!  She has A&A frame and skins and a 300 Dome and it is coming along nicely.  Last is Amy who's R2 looks mostly done except for drive motors and electronics.  It has senna style drive frames mounted so it won't be long.  Good company!!

My R2 is on the left and you can easily tell I still have a lot of small external details missing.  Power couplers, center vents, coin returns, arms etc. 

Chris's R2 with dome removed. He has a very cool slide out battery tray that opens like a drawer and really excellent weathering.

Todd's dome with a super polished finish.  Also every single dome panel is hinged - just insanely nice work.

Amy showing her A&A drink tray (from Jabba's sail barge scenes).  This looks really nice with a gold hammered paint finish.  Her R2 is just about done and looks super.  Overall this was a really fun event and great to get my R2 to.