This is a painted holoprojector with the lens inserted. Also shown is the front part of a Brinkman LED flashlight which I disassembled to use for a light. Wires were soldered to the springs for the battery posts and the rear end of the flaslight was pried off and inserted into the back end for a clean appearance. I have other lights I tried but many were so bright they hurt my eyes so I like the overall look of this one.
This is a completed holprojector with the light installed. I just wrapped masking tape around the flashlight housing until it was a tight fit and pressed it in. I know it is very low tech, but it also cheap and works just fine!!
All three holoprojectors finished and ready to install.
Bob, If these are free spinning kids will spin them. It's the number one thing that kids do when I take R2 out. So, just a warning. You are going to be fighting twisted wires if you let the kids turn them. But otherwise, very nice!